Our next team building activity: plant 3.000 trees

Frederik Van Leeckwyck on , updated

We all know team buildings can get dirty. Our first one of 2022 definitely will be. All of Factry’s team members have committed to planting a 7.000 m2 forest on a single day with their bare hands – and are even willing to get out of bed for it on a Saturday.


So, why on earth plant a forest?

For years now, the Flanders region has been one of the least forested regions in Europe. According to the 2020 Flanders Nature Report, Flanders has only a total forest cover of 10,3% percent – performing worse than the Netherlands (10%), Ireland (11%), Denmark (15%) and Cyprus (19%). Thanks to Wallonia, the Belgian average climbs up to 22%, which is still poor compared to many other European countries.

Forestation of EU countries

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/edn-20210321-1

Yet, native woods and trees are one of the best ways to tackle the current climate crisis. And along with improving our quality of life, forested spaces can help to make us physically healthier and improve our mental wellbeing.

More than enough reasons for our team to voluntarily take action.

On Saturday February 12, our team is determined to plant over 3.000 trees on a single day, transforming 7000 m2 of abandoned farmland into a biodiverse environment. The field of action will be the immaculate Flemish Ardennes area.

Forest in Belgium

Each year of the coming decades, this new forest will capture about 6 metric tons of CO2 and convert it into biomass, while becoming the home of ever more plant and animal species. All through a single day of teamwork.

See our team in action

Factry teambuilding

Factry teambuilding

Factry teambuilding

Factry teambuilding

Factry teambuilding

Factry teambuilding

The end result

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