How to build your dream MES project team

Yves Bourgeois on , updated

Choosing the right vendor and MES solution is crucial, but assembling the perfect team is just as vital for the success of your MES project. How do you build this dream team? What roles and personalities do you need, and how should responsibilities be distributed to guide project success? Discover how to build your ideal MES team.

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Implementing an MES

The importance of a well-constructed MES team

Before you even start thinking about choosing an MES vendor, it’s crucial to focus on building the right internal team.

A well-constructed team enhances project accountability through clear roles and responsibilities, ensuring that each member contributes meaningfully.

Efficient resource allocation from the start prevents delays and avoids budget overruns, while well-defined responsibilities keep the project moving forward, addressing bottlenecks as they arise.

Building your MES team: basic steps

The ideal team composition depends on multiple factors, such as your industry, core activities, and operational maturity. It’s crucial to have individuals with deep functional expertise, who are able to actively engage in the project, understanding its implications for the organisation and its departments.

Assemble a cross-functional team by bringing together experts from IT, Operations, R&D, Compliance, Quality, and other key areas. Don’t forget to include both management and team members from other facilities within your group if they’re part of the MES rollout – whether now or in the future.

Building an MES dream team

Which personalities do you need?

These personality types should be on your checklist:

✔ The visionary leader

Choose a leader who not only understands MES technology but is also deeply aligned with the project’s vision. This leader should possess strong leadership qualities and a comprehensive grasp of both operational and IT aspects, steering the project towards its goals.

✔ The industry expert

Make sure to include team members who possess deep functional expertise tailored to your industry’s demands. They need to understand the project’s impact fully across the organisation, ensuring alignment with your operational maturity and core activities.

✔ The communicator

Integrating diverse perspectives from IT, operations, quality, and compliance, this role ensures all parts of the organisation work together seamlessly, which is critical for holistic project success.

✔ The taskmaster

Someone must own the responsibility matrix, outlining detailed tasks, assigning them appropriately, and ensuring clarity in role expectations and deliverables to keep the project on track.

✔ The facilitator

Open lines of communication are vital. This role manages regular updates and discussions to keep all stakeholders aligned and informed, facilitating timely decision-making and problem-solving.

✔ The resource allocator

Managing resources wisely prevents bottlenecks and supports project momentum. This role oversees the strategic distribution of time, budget, and personnel.

Building an MES dream team

Now, get started!

1. Define clear responsibilities

Start by creating a detailed list of all project tasks and then assign each task to a specific individual or team. Clearly outline the scope of each role and the expected deliverables, ensuring accountability.

2. Establish communication channels

Time to create some buzz around the project. Set up regular communication channels, such as meetings, Slack channels or progress reports in Teams, to keep stakeholders informed about project updates, challenges, and milestones. Foster open communication and collaboration to address issues promptly.

3. Allocate resources

Inadequate resource allocation, both time and money, sets the stage for MES project failure. Therefore, also determine the resources required for the project regarding budget and time. Ensure that resources are allocated appropriately to support the successful implementation of the project.

4. Monitor your progress

Regularly monitor project progress to ensure that tasks are being completed according to schedule and that any issues or obstacles are addressed promptly. Adjust resource allocation as needed to keep the project on track. Use project management tools to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Free white paper: ‘How To Kickstart Your MES project’

Eager to improve production operations? Drawing on years of experience, we’ve created a guide outlining the 6 crucial steps to take before launching your MES project. Our goal? To arm you with the knowledge and strategies needed to not just implement an MES platform, but to do it right.

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